c e s c a e a t o n
e x e c u t i v e p r o d u c e r | d i r e c t o r
I am an International Emmy award winning filmmaker, with extensive experience making documentaries and series for BBC, C4, ITV and Discovery. Specialising in high quality classical music documentaries, I often use sensitive observational filming to bring art to life for a wide audience. My expertise is in making documentaries, but my skills are easily transferable to most areas of television and to the arts in general. In addition to my TV work, I also make films for charities and individuals, am frequently asked to give media training and am much sought after as a mentor.

90 min documentary for BBC TWO presented by John Eliot Gardiner

60 min documentary for C4, featuring Charles Hazlewood

The history of the choristers at Salisbury Cathedral. 90 min documentary for BBC FOUR

3 x 60 minute documentary series for BBC TWO, featuring Gareth Malone